チベット ボン教の伝統的儀礼音楽
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曲目・内容1.Chant dedicated to the protective divinity Midü - 守護神ミドゥのための聖詠2-13.Nag-zhig’s propitiatory ceremony (nag-zhig bskang-ba) - ナグ=ジグ鎮魂(贖罪)祭14.Tea Offerings (ja-mchod) - 供茶15.Drum-beating in Praise of Shenrab (gshen-rab mchod-rgna) - シェンラブを讃える太鼓アーティスト(演奏・出演)さまざまな演奏家レコーディング1981年3月、1983年4月チベットでの儀礼の実況録音商品番号:C583016チベットボン教の伝統的儀礼音楽 [さまざまな演奏家] TIBET -- Ritual Traditions of the BonposCD 発売日:2019年12月27日 OCORA radio france仏教伝来以前からといわれるチベットの古来の宗教、ボン教に伝わる儀礼のための音楽の実況録音盤。1983年初出アルバムの再発売。Bon is considered to be the ensemble of pre-Buddhist beliefs of the Tibetans; it embodies a vast mass of ritual practices bearing on exorcism, divination and the appeasement of wrathful divinities, and elaborate teachings for spiritual realisation -which place Bon among the great mysticophilosophical systems of the world despite its relatively small number of followers. These recordings illustrate various facets of the religious activities of the Bonpos through their chant and their psalmodic recitation. They intend to bring to a wider audience the musical aspects of a ritual tradition that is largely unknown to the Western World and has remained obscure to the Tibetan themselves.
曲目・内容1.Chant dedicated to the protective divinity Midü - 守護神ミドゥのための聖詠2-13.Nag-zhig’s propitiatory ceremony (nag-zhig bskang-ba) - ナグ=ジグ鎮魂(贖罪)祭14.Tea Offerings (ja-mchod) - 供茶15.Drum-beating in Praise of Shenrab (gshen-rab mchod-rgna) - シェンラブを讃える太鼓アーティスト(演奏・出演)さまざまな演奏家レコーディング1981年3月、1983年4月チベットでの儀礼の実況録音商品番号:C583016チベットボン教の伝統的儀礼音楽 [さまざまな演奏家] TIBET -- Ritual Traditions of the BonposCD 発売日:2019年12月27日 OCORA radio france仏教伝来以前からといわれるチベットの古来の宗教、ボン教に伝わる儀礼のための音楽の実況録音盤。1983年初出アルバムの再発売。Bon is considered to be the ensemble of pre-Buddhist beliefs of the Tibetans; it embodies a vast mass of ritual practices bearing on exorcism, divination and the appeasement of wrathful divinities, and elaborate teachings for spiritual realisation -which place Bon among the great mysticophilosophical systems of the world despite its relatively small number of followers. These recordings illustrate various facets of the religious activities of the Bonpos through their chant and their psalmodic recitation. They intend to bring to a wider audience the musical aspects of a ritual tradition that is largely unknown to the Western World and has remained obscure to the Tibetan themselves.
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